United States Department of Agriculture - translation to γερμανικά
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United States Department of Agriculture - translation to γερμανικά

U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S.D.A.; US Department of Agriculture; Agriculture, United States Department of; U S Department of Agriculture; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; USDA (US); USDA; United States Bureau of Agriculture; United States Department Of Agriculture; National Commission on Small Farms; Small Farms Commission; U. S. Department of Agriculture; Usda; United states department of agriculture; United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USA; United States Agriculture Department; Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee; Untied States Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Agriculture; @USDA; Criticism of the United States Department of Agriculture; Criticism of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; An Act to Establish a Department of Agriculture; Coronavirus Food Assistance Program; Transportation and Marketing Program, AMS, USDA; 10.9752; National Invasive Species Information Center; History of the United States Department of Agriculture; Department of Agriculture (United States)
  • A nutrition researcher considers canned peas.
  • [[Harvey Washington Wiley]], Chief Chemist of the Department of Agriculture's Division of Chemistry (third from the right) with his staff in 1883
  • Department of Agriculture Building]] on the National Mall around 1895
  • The [[Jamie L. Whitten Building]] in [[Washington D.C.]] is the current USDA headquarters.

United States Department of Agriculture         
n. Landwirtschaftsmnisterium der Verieinigten Staaten, US Regierungsministerium die sich mit landwirtschaftsnahem Themen auseinander setzt
Department of State         
  • El Salvador]] in the early 1980s.
  • website=DipNote}}</ref>
  • Harry S. Truman Building (formerly Main State Building), headquarters of the U.S. Department of State since May 1947.
  • [[Mike Pompeo]] with 2018 summer interns
  • Organizational chart of the U.S. Department of State
  • Secretary of State [[Antony Blinken]] delivers remarks to the media
  • Secretary of State [[Antony Blinken]] delivers remarks with President [[Joe Biden]] and Vice President [[Kamala Harris]] at the State Department headquarters, February 2021
  • Logo of the "Air Wing" of The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)- Office of Aviation, U.S. Department of State
  • 1865}}
  • YSEALI 5th Year Anniversary Logo
US State Department; U.S. Department of State; State Department; United States State Department; U.S. State Department; US Department of State; Department of State; U.S. Department State; Department of state; State department; USDOS; U.S State Deparment; State Dept; USDoS; US state department; U. S. State Department; United states department of state; Department of State (United States); United States Deparment of State; State.gov; Us state dep; Us state department; State Department of the United States; U.S Department of State; US department of state; Global partnership center; Dept. of State; Us state dept; Franklin Fellows program; US State dept.; Department of State, United States of America; U. S. Department of State; US State Dept.; United States. Dept. of State; United States Dept. of State; America.gov; US State Dept; America's State Department; State Department (US); Sate Department; State Dept.; United States of America State Department; U.S. Dept. of State; American State Department; State Department in Washington, D.C.; United States International Development Cooperation Agency; Department of State of the United States of America; Department of State of the United States; StateDept; US department of State; Untied States Department of State; Jefferson Science Fellow; Dep. of State; The United States Department of State; The U.S. Department of State; US Dept. of State; Ministry of Foreign Affairs (United States); State Dept (US); @StateDept; U.S State Department; U.S. Departent of State; Jefferson Science Fellows Program; History of the United States Department of State; US. Department of State
State Department, das Außenministerium der USA
State Department         
  • El Salvador]] in the early 1980s.
  • website=DipNote}}</ref>
  • Harry S. Truman Building (formerly Main State Building), headquarters of the U.S. Department of State since May 1947.
  • [[Mike Pompeo]] with 2018 summer interns
  • Organizational chart of the U.S. Department of State
  • Secretary of State [[Antony Blinken]] delivers remarks to the media
  • Secretary of State [[Antony Blinken]] delivers remarks with President [[Joe Biden]] and Vice President [[Kamala Harris]] at the State Department headquarters, February 2021
  • Logo of the "Air Wing" of The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)- Office of Aviation, U.S. Department of State
  • 1865}}
  • YSEALI 5th Year Anniversary Logo
US State Department; U.S. Department of State; State Department; United States State Department; U.S. State Department; US Department of State; Department of State; U.S. Department State; Department of state; State department; USDOS; U.S State Deparment; State Dept; USDoS; US state department; U. S. State Department; United states department of state; Department of State (United States); United States Deparment of State; State.gov; Us state dep; Us state department; State Department of the United States; U.S Department of State; US department of state; Global partnership center; Dept. of State; Us state dept; Franklin Fellows program; US State dept.; Department of State, United States of America; U. S. Department of State; US State Dept.; United States. Dept. of State; United States Dept. of State; America.gov; US State Dept; America's State Department; State Department (US); Sate Department; State Dept.; United States of America State Department; U.S. Dept. of State; American State Department; State Department in Washington, D.C.; United States International Development Cooperation Agency; Department of State of the United States of America; Department of State of the United States; StateDept; US department of State; Untied States Department of State; Jefferson Science Fellow; Dep. of State; The United States Department of State; The U.S. Department of State; US Dept. of State; Ministry of Foreign Affairs (United States); State Dept (US); @StateDept; U.S State Department; U.S. Departent of State; Jefferson Science Fellows Program; History of the United States Department of State; US. Department of State
das State Department; das Außenministerium der USA


State Department
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
In the United States, the State Department is the government department that is concerned with foreign affairs.
Officials at the State Department say the issue is urgent.
...a senior State Department official.


United States Department of Agriculture

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the federal executive department responsible for developing and executing federal laws related to farming, forestry, rural economic development, and food. It aims to meet the needs of commercial farming and livestock food production, promotes agricultural trade and production, works to assure food safety, protects natural resources, fosters rural communities and works to end hunger in the United States and internationally. It is headed by the Secretary of Agriculture, who reports directly to the President of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet. The current secretary is Tom Vilsack, who has served since February 24, 2021.

Approximately 80% of the USDA's $141 billion budget goes to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) program. The largest component of the FNS budget is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as the 'Food Stamp' program), which is the cornerstone of USDA's nutrition assistance. The United States Forest Service is the largest agency within the department, which administers national forests and national grasslands that together comprise about 25% of federal lands.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για United States Department of Agriculture
1. USDA News Release United States Department of Agriculture Office of Communications 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
2. United States Department of Agriculture Office of Communications 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
3. In its dietary guidelines for 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that people eat the equivalent of three cups of beans a week.
4. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued standards for organic products in 2000, although some critics question how strictly they‘re applied.
5. A÷ The New Food Guide Pyramid from USDA (the United States Department of Agriculture) www.mypyramid.gov places special emphasis on the grain group which are a good source of energy, and have many health benefits.